IIMA 2024

Dear Members of the International Information Management Association (IIMA),
I am both honored and excited to address you as the incoming President of IIMA.  It is with great humility and enthusiasm that I take on this role, and I am deeply appreciative of the trust you have placed in me to lead this phenomenal organization. My warmest welcome is extended to all of you as we embark on a journey to advance information systems in academia and the professional realm.


IIMA 2023

Thanks to all of you who helped make the 34th annual conference of the International Information Management Association (IIMA) in Las Vegas back in October, 2023, such a wonderful success. Here are some highlights that come to mind as I reflect on our days together – I’m sure I’ve forgotten some of the many experiences and interactions already!


IIMA Autumn News 2023

Dear Members of the International Information Management Association (IIMA),

I am both honored and excited to address you as the incoming President of IIMA.  It is with great humility and enthusiasm that I take on this role, and I am deeply appreciative of the trust you have placed in me to lead this phenomenal organization. My warmest welcome is extended to all of you as we embark on a journey to advance information systems in academia and the professional realm.

As we go through the year to come, it is essential to acknowledge the immense contributions of our past presidents, board members, and every member who has dedicated their time and effort to make IIMA the wonderful community it is today. Their commitment to the field and to this association has paved the way for us to carry the torch forward.

The field of information management systems is rapidly evolving, and the importance of our work cannot be overstated. In a world driven by digital transformation including the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, our association plays a vital role in bridging the gap between academia and the professional sphere. It is our responsibility to facilitate knowledge exchange, collaboration, and innovation to stay at the forefront of developments in this ever-changing landscape.

Over the coming term, we will focus on several key initiatives to achieve our vision:

Promoting Knowledge Sharing: We will create platforms for members to share their research, experiences, and insights through our online and offline platforms. This will include our upcoming conference in Manchester, UK in September 2024.  The details will be forthcoming by the end of Q4’23.  Knowledge sharing will also be facilitated with community engagement opportunities this year through virtual workshops/guest speaking that allow us to explore cutting-edge developments and best practices.

Enhancing Educational Opportunities: We will work towards providing resources for faculty, students, and professionals to expand their knowledge in information systems. This may include providing information on trending topics in our offline/online platforms and making the upcoming conference in Manchester, U.K., more accessible for students.

Building Strong Industry Connections: To ensure that our efforts remain relevant and impactful, we will strengthen our ties with each other by developing connection points by using online/offline platforms.  We will also build strong connections with industry leaders, encouraging dialogues and partnerships that can drive innovation and opportunities for our members.

Increasing Diversity and Inclusion: We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community where every voice is heard and valued. Our association will strive to reflect the rich tapestry of backgrounds and experiences in our field where it is a place of belonging.

Promote Publication Opportunities: We are committed to advancing high-quality research publications in IIMA’s signature Journal of International Technology and Information Management (JITIM) with a comprehensive marketing strategy to increase the visibility of JITM in academic and professional circles. Specifically, as a beginning, the goal is to use social media and academic networks to promote JITM and its publications.

Our association is not merely an organization; it is a family, a community, bound by common goals and shared values. We are a collective force for change, progress, and innovation. Our diversity is our strength, and our unity is our power. We have the potential to shape the future and create a lasting impact.

We must remember that every great journey begins with a single step. We now usher in a new era of leadership so let us take that step together. Let us embrace change as an opportunity to grow, learn, and adapt. The challenges we face may be significant with competing options for resources especially, but our determination to overcome obstacles is even greater. Let us be unwavering in our commitment to our mission to grow our community, and let our passion fuel our progress.

To inspire and motivate is not only the duty of a President but a shared responsibility. As members, your ideas, your creativity, and your dedication will be the driving force behind our success. So, I encourage each and every one of you to engage, contribute, and lead in your own way. Whether you’re a long-standing member or new to our association, your voice matters, and your perspective is invaluable. Please email me at any time with your perspectives at amunsch@iona.edu.

In closing, I am excited to serve as your President, and I am eager to work with you all in the coming year to advance the goals and mission of the IIMA that can be found here. Together, there is nothing we cannot achieve. Our collective potential is limitless.  Thank you for your trust, your commitment, and your passion. I am excited to lead this extraordinary association into a future where together we will reach new heights and make a lasting impact on our world. Let’s work together to build the future we’ve always dreamed of. Thank you again for the opportunity to lead, and let’s embark on this incredible journey together!

Please take a moment to connect to the IIMA on LinkedIn which will serve as our virtual community to stay connected on all things IIMA:

International Information Management Association | Groups | LinkedIn


Alison Munsch, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)
President, IIMA

IIMA Autumn News 2022

Thanks to all of you who helped make the 33rd annual conference of the International Information Management Association (IIMA) such a wonderful success. 

  • Our keynote speakers enriched us: Jason Wood talking about Digital Transformation in Healthcare and Miten Mehta sharing about Digital Transformation from creating his “Start Change” web app to using Salesforce products.
  • Our President, Ian, gave a great talk on digital transformation of universities, and our CEO, Trevor, shared lots of data and perspectives on the future of Covid and healthcare in the US.
  • My grad students (Nicholas, Jessica, Oanh, Lewis, Quynh, Thu and Charan) did a wonderful job in chairing the various sessions as well as setting up the different venues—especially Nicholas for fixing the computer problems.
  • While distracted by the numerous aircraft in the Museum of Flight, most of us paid close attention to a wonderful variety of talks.
  • Our van drivers, Jim and Trevor, were amazing. (Have you seen vans cross five lanes of busy stop and go traffic in 100 feet?!) And Helen found out that we can’t blame the Vice President for the traffic jam on Wednesday (https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/troopers-find-unusual-passenger-after-semitruck-crash-in-sodo/ar-AA13s9rk)
  • Emmanuel and the program committee provided us with an enriching program of talks (Thanks Emmanuel, Louis and Jaymeen)
  • Well, Emmanuel, couldn’t have done it without all of you who submitted papers and presentations and workshops. (Now review and update those papers and submit them to CIIMA or JITIM for publication!)
  • Thank those who asked you questions after your presentation – and use their comments to improve your paper…
  • Pascal and Tanya, thanks for hosting workshops. We need more of these in the future…
  • Thanks to Pascal for helping us hear some virtual presentations – and thanks to those who presented virtually!
  • Agatha and Chichi received the “Best Student Presentation” award – Congratulations!
  • Thanks to those who came for the first time to an IIMA conference (e.g., Anand, Markus, Chichi, Agatha, Sylvia, Tim,…), as well as those who came after missing many years (e.g., Helen!) along with the many regulars (e.g., Jay (Congratulations on your retirement!), Tanya, Alison, Peter, Ramesh, Diana, James, Namchul, Kosin, Shaoyi, Jake, Frank, Ore,…)
  • The visit to Microsoft allowed us to get a group picture with the Microsoft founders (?!) as well as shop in the Microsoft store and hear the last two presentations.
  • Thanks to Kosin and Emmanuel for sending out thousands of emails on behalf of the IIMA. (But it might be more effective for you to invite your colleagues to the next IIMA conference!)
  • We had delicious food, starting with the Sunday evening welcome at the Lebanese Tanoor restaurant and ending with the Tuesday night conference dinner at the Seattle Crab Pot restaurant – with delicious crab and shrimp dumped on the table in front of us (good that they gave us bibs and a wooden hammer to break the crab legs!)
  • We saw Seattle and even a touch of a sunset from the top of the Space Needle (and nearly everyone eventually stood on the glass floor looking down 500 feet).
  • Congratulations to Shoshana who will be Co-president with Ian for the coming year. Pass on your suggestions and ideas to make IIMA even better in the future!
  • Thanks to everyone who came and participated!

Professor Gerhard Steinke, PhD., CISSP, Seattle Pacific University

IIMA 2022

Steinke, SBGE host conference
Gerhard Steinke, professor of management and information systems, and the School of Business, Government, and Economics hosted the 33rd annual conference of the International Information Management Association (IIMA) in Seattle, Oct. 23–26, 2022. Conference participants were treated to a wide variety of thought-provoking keynote, paper, and workshop presentations. The conference took place at the Museum of Flight, as well as in Falcon Lounge on the SPU campus. Jim Jenkins, adjunct faculty, and several IS Data Analytics graduate students helped host guests from as far away as the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Conference events included a trip up to the top of the Space Needle, the conference dinner at the Crab Pot restaurant, and a trip to Microsoft. One of the grad students created 
this short video recap of the conference.

IIMA Spring News 2022

Dear friends

A belated Happy New Year to you all! I hope that you are all well.

Last year was an interesting, if sometimes challenging year for us all. We used the pandemic to develop a series on online symposiums. These were well attended and provided a wide variety of interesting talks that were very informative. A huge thank you to those friends that lead those events. We would like to keep this going and at the conference in October agreed to four more in 2022, so watch out for dates for these – but if you would like to volunteer to run one yourself or organize one for another speaker / panel you know of then please let me know.

The conference in Utrecht was awesome, and we sincerely thank the team who organised it all – led by Diana and Pascal. It was held in a new conference suite on their beautiful and impressive campus. We had a tour of the campus as part of the event, including looking at a smart building that the university had built recently, as well as visits to Amersfoort and Amsterdam.

We were truly inspired by starting with the PhD colloquium. We heard about some really exciting and far reaching research programs from doctoral students. We then progressed into the regular conference during which two keynote talks were given:

First, Anand Sheombar on digital rights in Africa (Anand Sheombar – IIMA). I found this fascinating drawing on the power of governments, the way the pandemic has been used to control civic space, and the position social media platforms play as a data monopoly. 

Our second keynote talk was from Erik Proper from the Luxemburg Institute for Science and Technology on Enterprises as Model Driven Systems (http://iima.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/20211019_model-driven_enterprises.pdf). He discussed the opportunities and challenges of using modelling to design enterprises and keeping these models up to date in an agile process, continuously changing organization and dynamic world context.

And so, while the conference ended up as a hybrid of in person and online attendance the event was wonderful. We can’t wait for the next conference – and with travel restrictions being lifted again we are very hopeful that it will be in person again.

We confirmed that we would go to Seattle in October 2022 24th to 26th. The early call is out already under the theme of “The State of Digital Transformation” so start to write those papers as we want to see a full gathering again. You can find the full call here: Call for Papers – IIMA

Kind regards

Professor Ian Allison

IIMA Autumn News 2021

Dear friends and members of the IIMA,

We hope that you all remain well and that the pandemic has not unduly impacted you. I am sure that I speak for us all when I say that the last year has been bizarre – at times very difficult, worrying and isolating, but I am delighted the worst seems to be over. We will be moving back to face to face teaching this Fall. 

Since the previous conference in 2019 we have enjoyed some interesting and dynamic online symposiums on a variety of subjects. We hope that you have managed to engage with those.

As time for the 2021 conference is getting closer, we thought it timely to update you on the plans for the conference scheduled for October 18-20 hosted by University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Netherlands.

We postponed the conference last year due to COVID-related travel restrictions. This year we plan to proceed. Travel remains uncertain, but we are planning to host an in-person conference in Utrecht for those who can make it. There will be the normal set of social and cultural activities for those in attendance.

Those who cannot travel but can contribute a paper/panel/workshop online we would welcome your input and we will organise a programme to support presentations from different time zones.

We have a growing number of abstracts and papers already but we urge you to submit your contribution now that you know we are definitely proceeding. We have therefore reset the final deadline to be 12th September 2021.

The programme committee are working on plans for additional research brainstorming work to support a group funding bid opportunity. If you are present you will be able to contribute and be included on any bid subject to the eligibility of the cal(s)l targeted. 

If the various Governments allow travel then I certainly plan to be there, and I hope to see you too.

The original call

Theme: Human-Centric Digitalisation

The International Information Management Association was founded in 1989, with the mission of providing a unique blend of high-quality academic research and social interaction. The 32nd annual meeting aims to promote the dynamic exchange of ideas among researchers, educators, developers and practitioners who share their research and disseminate innovations in education, business, and government. This conference is devoted to examining and sharing how business analytics and technology innovations can help us succeed in a world where information is increasingly taking center stage. Come, join and share with us in Utrecht.

Conference topics include but are not limited to:

Artificial Intelligence
Accounting and Auditing Applications
Big Data
Biomedical and Healthcare Informatics
Business Analytics and Business Intelligence
Cloud Computing
Cultural and Societal Implications of IT
Cyber Security and Privacy
Data and Knowledge Management
E-Learning and Teaching Innovations
Emerging Technology Innovations
Gaming and Simulations
Intelligent Systems
Legal and Ethical Issues in an Information-Driven World
Mobile Computing
Networks and Wireless Technologies
Organizational Impacts of Information Systems
Social Networking and Electronic Communication
Strategic Management of IT
Virtual Organizations