Watch our IIMA 2024 Promotion Video here.
2024 February 29th AI and Analytics
hosted by Dr. Alison Munsch, President of the IIMA, Chief DEIB Officer, and Associate Professor @ Iona University, and Mr. Stephen George, Group VP of Analytics and Insights, at Zeta Global where he will recount his experiences, challenges, and accomplishments in the corporate world. He will share the latest developments in the analytics field and the influence of AI.

Stephen George is the Group Vice President of Analytics and Insights at Zeta Global in their New York Office. He is a decisive marketing professional specializing in driving company growth through creative and decisive- innovative marketing strategies powered by analytics. He is skilled at analyzing and modeling data to help uncover insights that address customer business problems and increase company brand value. Stephen has worked with several Fortune 500 Brand and Media agencies including Intuit, Citibank, and MediaComm to help provide actionable insights through data to brands, testing innovative digital marketing strategies to help increase ROI. Stephen holds a BA in Financial Economics from London Metropolitan University and a Masters in Marketing Intelligence from Fordham University, NY.
Watch the presentation here.
2024 March 27th AI and the Future
hosted by Dr. Alison Munsch, President of the IIMA, Chief DEIB Officer, and Associate Professor @ Iona University, along with Ms. Felecia Webb, Chief Strategy Officer for the Partnership on AI and Stephanie Bell, Chief Programs and Insights Officer where they will explain the organization’s mission and how it is a key partner in shaping the future of AI.

Felecia Webb is the Chief Strategy Officer for The Partnership on AI. Stephanie Bell is the Chief Programs and Insights Officer The Partnership on AI brings together diverse voices from the AI community to address important questions about our future with AI. Hear about trending topics in AI and what it means for the future of Information Technology. They will present a case study showcasing the organization’s significant contributions in the era of AI.
Watch the presentation here.