IIMA Officers for 2024-2025
President, Alison Munsch |
Iona University, New York, USA amunsch@iona.edu |
Immediate Past President, Ian Allison |
University of Central Lancashire, UK IAllison@uclan.ac.uk |
President Elect, Anand Sheombar |
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands anand.sheombar@hu.nl |
Conference Chairs, Conrad Shayo |
CSUSB Palm Desert Campus cshayo@csusb.edu |
Program Chair, Anand Sheombar |
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands anand.sheombar@hu.nl |
Organizing Committee, Nima Molavi, Trevor Rohm, Gerhard Steinke |
SCM Club at CSUSB Palm Desert Campus |
Vice President for International Relations-India, Ramesh Subramanian |
Quinnipiac University, Connecticut, USA ramesh.subramanian@quinnipiac.edu |
Vice President for International Relations-Asia, Shaoyi He |
California State University, San Bernardino, California, USA she@csusb.edu |
Vice President for International Relations-Africa, Emmanuel Opara |
Prairie View A&M University, Texas, USA euopara@pvamu.edu |
Vice President for International Relations-Europe, Diana Boekman |
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands diana.boekman@hu.nl |
Vice President for Strategic Planning, Peter Munsch |
Fordham University, New York, USA pmunsch@fordham.edu. |
Vice President for Communications/website, Diana Boekman |
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands diana.boekman@hu.nl |
Vice President for Community Engagement, Ian Allison |
University of Central Lancashire, UK IAllison@uclan.ac.uk |
CEO, Executive Director, IIMA Inc Trevor Rohm |
trevorrohm@yahoo.com |
IIMA Board
CEO, IIMA Inc Trevor Rohm |
trevorrohm@yahoo.com |
Board of Directors
Treasurer, Gerhard Steinke |
Seattle Pacific University Seattle, WA 98119 gsteinke@spu.edu |
Secretary, Frank Lin |
Cal Poly Pomona FLin@csusb.edu |
Diana Boekman | HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands diana.boekman@hu.nl |
Tanya Goette | Georgia College & State University Milledgeville, GA 31061 tanya.goette@gcsu.edu |
Journal Editors
Communications of the IIMA Pascal Ravesteijn, Editor-in-Chief |
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands +31 88 481 8819 / +31 620 602 266 pascal.ravesteijn@hu.nl |
Heechang Shin | Iona University, New York, USA hshin@iona.edu |
Journal of International Technology and Information Management Pascal Ravesteijn, Editor-in-Chief |
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands +31 88 481 8819 / +31 620 602 266 pascal.ravesteijn@hu.nl |
Huei Lee, editor | Eastern Michigan University, Michigan, USA huei.lee@emich.edu |
Founding Editors
Pat McInturff | Journal of International Information Management (JIIM) |
Chang-tseh Hsieh | Journal of International Technology and Information Management (JITIM) |
Rob Harris & Jack Marchewka | Communications of the IIMA (CIIMA) |
Founding Editor-in-Chiefs
C. E. Tapie Rohm Jr. | Journal of International Information Management (JIIM) |
C. E. Tapie Rohm Jr. | Journal of International Technology and Information Management (JITIM) |
C. E. Tapie Rohm Jr. | Communications of the IIMA (CIIMA) |