Tuesday October 20th
IIMA 2020 conference online about
Digital Leadership

3 hour session (17.00 in Utrecht, which is 11:00a.m. in New York and 8:00 a.m. In Seattle)
Hosted by: Diana Boekman & Pascal Ravesteijn
log in 15 minutes in advance, bring your own coffee or tea
1,5 hour filled with lectures and discussion:
– Digital Leadership by Mary Cleary CEO of the Irish Computer SocietyWatch the presentation here: Download
– eCF in the Master of Informatics by Pascal Ravesteijn of the University of Applied Sciences UtrechtWatch the presentation here: Download
1,5 hour meeting of the board
Digital Leadership by Mary Cleary CEO of the Irish Computer Society
In this webinar aspects of leadership in the digital transformation is discussed.
Information systems and information technology (IS/IT) are of crucial importance to any organization and society. The way organizations communicate to their clients, do their marketing, deliver their products and the way they execute their business processes are influenced heavily by IS/IT. New developments in IS/IT offer new opportunities and challenges for organizations and society. When an organization fails to keep up with the use of IS/IT by its competitors or the expectations of its clients it may be forced to close down!
The gap between business (people/responsibilities) and IT (people/responsibilities) is often mentioned as an obstruction for organizations to meet the high expectations and promises of IT and (new) information systems. The European Commission also identifies this challenge, they state that shortages, gaps and mismatches of e-Skills are negatively impacting the growth, competitiveness and drive for innovation in Europe. Organizations need digital leadership in order to ensure successful use of IS/IT within an organization.
During this online symposium Mary Cleary will be discussing the full architecture of ICT professionalism, developed by CEN TC 428, consisting of a competence framework, ICT BoK, education/training guidelines and ethics. She will argue that the establishment of standards helps to ensure quality and accountability, raising the status and attractiveness of careers in IT, and gives tools to IT leaders to manage the successful use of IS/IT in organisations.Watch the presentation here: Download
About Mary Cleary

Mary Cleary is Deputy CEO of the Irish Computer Society/ICS Foundation and Chair of the CEN TC 428, IT Professionalism and Digital Competences. She oversees ICT professionalism and digital inclusion policy and initiatives for ICS, coordinating the Irish Digital Jobs and Skills Coalition and advising the ICS CIO Forum on professionalism and Continuous Professional Development for all domains, with particular emphasis on eHealth. She holds a Master’s Degree in Education, and has extensive experience of ICT professional programme design and implementation. She has worked on several national education initiatives, promoting ICT as a teaching and learning tool. She manages education outreach initiatives, as well as the professional and advocacy activities of HISI (Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland), and the delivery of 8 national conferences annually. She is a delegate to the NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland) ICT SCC, and a committee member of the Irish Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN).