Webinar 4th June AI and Ethics.
4pm UK time (5pm in West Europe; noon EST; 8am PST) via MS Teams
Ethical questions in Artificial Intelligence were one of the few topics that achieved world-wide attention prior to Covid-19 and alongside climate change. From the Vatican, to the UNESCO, to the World Economic Forum, and the European Commission, people are asking what are the top ethical issues in artificial intelligence and how can they be resolved. These questions are often under valued by technologists but are becoming more prominent in the public and political landscape.
This webinar will be in the form of an interview of two global leaders in the question of ethics and technology based here in the UK.
- Prof. Bernd Stahl, Director of the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility at De Montfort University, UK and former President of the IIMA
- Prof. Doris Schroeder, Director of the Centre for Professional Ethics, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), UK.
Bernd you may know as he is one of our former Presidents and now leading the highly-regarded Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility. The Doris is a Professor at my university who has led the development of the Global Code of Conduct for research in resource-poor settings now adopted by the EU and UNESCO among others.
Coming up on 24th June 4pm a Webinar on “how open government data could have helped to address the challenges in managing COVID 19”. The second one is still a tentative title and the speakers are developing the details.
HOLD THESE DATES and we will send further details shortly on how to register and how to link to the webinar. Below is a brief outline of the first webinar. This is an open webinar and we will be inviting colleagues from UCLAN as well as other interested parties, so feel free to include your colleagues.